Hello, it’s us again We’ve had a break just shy over a year but, we’re back in business - with a new venue and a new vibe. Our first event back will be 30th in January in the beloved Berkeley suite where we’ve invited @keepkeep.sw KeepKeep formerly know as “Ketek” has been specially curating his unique personalised style ranging from inbetween “Hard Trance” & “Techno” to experimenting with his own lyrics whilst keeping the beat fast & rolling! Oldham born; Sound Within boss has been expressing himself through his track selections within his mixes & truly understands the meaning of dance! With plenty of releases on respected labels, such as “Conrete Berlin”, “Maison Close”, “Xelima Records”, “Sound Within” he has plans to catapult his way into the music scene, already playing over in France for Lacchesi it’s time he made his debut in Glasgow Alongside, we have our sturdy residents VXYX, Jacaí & LAMD4