Sat/Apr 26

I Love Your Energy with Joe Goddard (Rescheduled Date)

15 11pm-4am
I Love Your Energy with Joe Goddard (Rescheduled Date)

We are so happy to announce the rescheduled date of Joe Goddard at I Love Your Energy. January's party was thrown into chaos with Joe falling ill last minute but it ended up being a wild and great night regardless. Now, Joe and us are over the moon to be able to get him up for the do-over. From his Hot Chip anthems to his beautiful solo records and 2 Bears bangers, Joe makes such colourful music and is a great DJ too. Nice unintentional timing is Austin Ato's new remix for Joe, out now on Permanent Vacation. All you prior ticket holders, your tickets will will get in and thank you for your patience. There will be some tickets on the door.